Twice a year! Once for a cooling system, and the second time for a heating system. Well, I guess that\’s it for our blog post this week. Stay tuned next week where we talk about furnace repairs and avoiding DIY repairs under any circumstances.
We\’re just kidding, that\’s obviously not a good enough answer. Homeowners don\’t want us to just tell them how often they need maintenance, because they often don\’t believe us when we tell them. Homeowners want to know why they need maintenance twice a year, and what that will do for them. Heater maintenance in Calgary, AB isn\’t optional, and in order for us to convince homeowners of this fact, we need to shed some light on what happens during a maintenance appointment.
\”Why Maintenance?\”
Okay, let\’s confront the most important topic. Why is maintenance important for your system? Why even invest in maintenance at all? Surely you could go about year after year without maintenance as long as you follow along with some DIY tutorial from the web and you get any repairs addressed accordingly, right?
Well, not exactly. Maintenance is a deep dive into the condition of your heating system. Only a certified professional has the ability to thoroughly check your HVAC system for any wear and tear, efficiency problems, miscalibrations, and other things that need to be noticed when a system ages. Simply put, you don\’t have the necessary experience to perform this kind of check by yourself. You\’ll likely do more harm than good and void the warranty in one swift motion. Investing in maintenance is something that you just can\’t afford to go without.
\”Why Twice a Year?\”
Well, think about it. There are two seasons when it comes to HVAC operation—the heating season and the cooling season. We need our heaters to work at peak performance during the heating season, and we need our air conditioners to cool things down during the other half of the year. Even if you have a heat pump that works year-round, assuming that one appointment will do it just simply doesn\’t get at the heart of the issue.
Maintenance is proactive. It\’s supposed to let you know the condition of your heating system. Therefore, if you can get two maintenance visits for your heating and cooling systems (or two for the one system working twice as hard), then you\’ve got your bases covered and you\’ll be ready for anything.
\”It\’s Expensive Though…\”
We hear homeowners grumble this all the time. While yes, there\’s a cost to every maintenance plan, the cost ends up paying for itself in the long run. For instance, the avoided repair costs and fees that normally come with surprise breakdowns on poorly maintained systems will save you a ton of money over the next few years. Couple that with access to our discounts and other benefits of joining our maintenance agreement, you\’ll honestly be saving more than you think.
Make the right choice, and sign up for heater maintenance with a team that\’s got the tools, expertise, and experience for the job.
Call Shift Air Mechanical Ltd. to schedule heater maintenance. Shift Air tests, doesn\’t guess!