Sometimes, homeowners just need us to break things down for them so that they\’re easier to understand. Not everyone exists in the HVAC industry like we do, so all the talk of \”indoor air quality\” and \”contaminants\” can be kind of boring. We completely understand.
We\’re going to make it very easy for you today. There are five important levels of indoor air quality that you\’ll need to remember if you want to keep your home a healthy environment going forward. While investing in an air purifier in Calgary, AB is absolutely helpful, it doesn\’t deal with everything that you might be having trouble with.
Our team has your back when it comes to solutions to these problems. Take a look down below at our breakdown of the five important levels of indoor air quality. The sooner you address each of these problems, the faster you\’ll enjoy your home\’s indoor air.
Level 1: Toxic Compounds
Also known as volatile organic compounds, these materials can exist in your home for far longer than you\’d probably like. They can range from paint particles to cooking smoke, and they\’re not exactly healthy to inhale. In fact, they can be disturbing to sensitive respiratory systems and can be damaging to other aspects of your personal health, like your brain and circulatory system. These can be removed from your air with a quality air filtration system.
Level 2: Infectious Organisms
By now you\’re probably much more well-read about viruses and bacteria. They can exist within your air for days on end and circulated through your HVAC system. Our homes are becoming so energy efficient and tightly sealed that it can be impossible to let these particles out. Thankfully, UV light purifiers and other air purifiers do an exceptional job of removing them from your home so they stop circulating around and your air can be clean!
Level 3: Allergy Contaminants
People have all sorts of different allergies that need to be addressed. You don\’t want to have a home that\’s constantly making people sneeze or have asthma attacks, do you? By utilizing a proper air filter, those allergens like pet dander, dust, and pollen can be adequately removed and your indoor air can be breathable again.
Level 4: Mold and Mildew
Mold and mildew grow in moist, dark environments. These can be your air ducts on a muggy day, or your walls when there\’s a room in your home that you don\’t frequent very often. Mold spores can be jettisoned in the air to reproduce in other places which can be terrible for you to inhale.
Level 5: Carbon Monoxide
Is your furnace starting to work this year and keep you comfortable? That\’s great news! Unfortunately, this opens your home up to be susceptible to carbon monoxide leaks. All furnaces are built with safety measures in mind, but sometimes due to age or neglect, they can begin to leak CO into the air. If this happens, it\’s a great idea to have carbon monoxide detectors in your home to stop this problem before it\’s too late.
Call Shift Air Mechanical Ltd. to get your indoor air quality addressed. Shift air tests, doesn\’t guess!